Dark Lager
Dark Lager
Although we have some amazing recipes for Porters and Stouts (including White Stouts), we have selected our Dark Lager as our flag-ship brew to start generating buzz and to get the conversations started!
This beer has been modified, tweaked, and refined to provide an amazing chocolate flavour without the heaviness and high-alcohol content as our stouts and porters. Through the lagering process, this beer has a lighter, clearer appearance that is perfect for cottage, campground, patio or porch in the cooler months of the fall or spring, while still providing a crisp and refreshing option for mid-summer. Although it doesn't pack the same warmth of its brothers and sisters (Stouts and Porters), it's a much better option for a winter evening of Binge-TV than a typical lager or ale (in our opinion).
All-in-all, the versatility and flavour of this beer makes it an obvious choice to be our first to hit the market. If it is not at a local pub or farmers market near you, drop us a line and we will see what we can do to help; because, after all, what kind of a friend would we be if we didn't help or share?! And, for that, we will raise out mugs and...SKAL!